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时间: 2024-10-06 20:55:41


1. 她的笑容像一朵盛开的花朵。

Her smile is like a blooming flower.

2. 这座城市的夜景像一幅美丽的画。

The night view of this city is like a beautiful painting.

3. 他的声音像天使般的歌唱。

His voice is like the singing of an angel.

4. 她的眼睛像一片清澈的湖水。

Her eyes are like a clear lake.

5. 这个问题像一道难题,让我很困惑。

This problem is like a difficult puzzle that confuses me.

6. 这首歌的旋律像一阵清风般轻盈。

The melody of this song is like a gentle breeze.

7. 这个孩子的笑声像一股清新的泉水。

The laughter of this child is like a refreshing spring.

8. 这幅画的色彩像一幅绚丽的彩虹。

The colors of this painting are like a vibrant rainbow.

9. 这个城市的繁华像一颗闪耀的明星。

The prosperity of this city is like a shining star.

10. 这个故事的情节像一条盘旋的小溪。

The plot of this story is like a winding stream.

11. 这个建筑物的设计像一座现代艺术品。

The design of this building is like a modern work of art.

12. 她的微笑像一缕温暖的阳光。

Her smile is like a warm ray of sunshine.

13. 这个问题的解决方案像一把解锁的钥匙。

The solution to this problem is like an unlocking key.

14. 这个花园的美丽像一幅优雅的画卷。

The beauty of this garden is like an elegant painting.

15. 这个计划的实施像一场精心策划的战役。

The implementation of this plan is like a carefully planned battle.


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