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【汉语】for instance造句,中英对照

时间: 2024-10-06 22:52:35


1. For instance, I always bring an umbrella with me in case it rains.

2. 例如,我总是带着伞,以防下雨。

3. For instance, I like to start my day with a cup of coffee.

4. 例如,我喜欢用一杯咖啡开始我的一天。

5. For instance, some people prefer to exercise in the morning while others prefer to do it in the evening.

6. 例如,有些人喜欢早上锻炼,而其他人喜欢晚上锻炼。

7. For instance, I enjoy spending my weekends hiking in the mountains.

8. 例如,我喜欢在周末到山上徒步旅行。

9. For instance, some students prefer to study alone while others prefer to study in groups.

10. 例如,一些学生喜欢独自学习,而其他人喜欢小组学习。

11. For instance, I always make sure to pack snacks for long road trips.

12. 例如,我总是确保为长途旅行带上零食。

13. For instance, some people like to listen to music while they work, while others prefer silence.

14. 例如,有些人喜欢在工作时听音乐,而其他人喜欢安静。

15. For instance, I prefer to read a book before going to bed.

16. 例如,我喜欢在睡觉前读书。


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