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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:45



1. 他在公司遇到了一些挫折,现在整天都垂头丧气的。

He has encountered some setbacks at work, and now he is feeling very dejected.

2. 昨天的失败让她垂头丧气,感到非常沮丧。

Yesterday's failure left her feeling dejected and very disheartened.

3. 她的失恋让她垂头丧气,好几天都不愿意出门。

Her breakup left her feeling dejected, and she didn't want to leave the house for days.

4. 他的表现不佳让他垂头丧气,觉得自己一无是处。

His poor performance left him feeling dejected and worthless.

5. 她的梦想破灭了,整个人都变得垂头丧气。

Her dreams were shattered, and she became completely dejected.

6. 他失败后垂头丧气地离开了比赛场地。

He left the competition grounds dejectedly after his failure.

7. 连续的挫折让他变得垂头丧气,失去了前进的动力。

The consecutive setbacks left him dejected and without the drive to move forward.

8. 她的垂头丧气让我觉得心疼,我想尽办法去安慰她。

Her dejection made me feel sorry for her, and I tried my best to comfort her.

9. 长时间的失业让他变得垂头丧气,感到无助和绝望。

The long period of unemployment left him feeling dejected, helpless, and hopeless.

10. 她的失败让她垂头丧气,觉得自己再也无法振作起来了。

Her failure left her feeling dejected, and she felt like she could never pick herself up again.

11. 他的困境让他垂头丧气,觉得自己一无是处。

His plight left him feeling dejected, and he felt worthless.

12. 被老板批评后,他垂头丧气地离开了办公室。

After being criticized by the boss, he left the office dejectedly.

13. 他的悲伤让他垂头丧气,无法找到任何希望。

His grief left him dejected, unable to find any hope.

14. 失去了亲人,她整个人都变得垂头丧气。

Losing a loved one left her completely dejected.

15. 小组的失败让他们垂头丧气,不知道下一步该怎么办。

The team's failure left them feeling dejected, not knowing what to do next.


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