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时间: 2024-09-17 13:12:13


1. 我们去过的地方都是美丽的,到处都是风景。

We have been to beautiful places, everywhere is scenic.

2. 这个城市的公共交通很方便,到处都有地铁和公交车。

The public transportation in this city is very convenient, there are subways and buses everywhere.

3. 这家餐厅的口碑很好,到处都是人在排队等候。

This restaurant has a good reputation, there are people queuing everywhere.

4. 在这个季节,到处都是五彩缤纷的花朵。

In this season, everywhere is filled with colorful flowers.

5. 这个城市的建筑风格各异,到处都有不同的风景。

The architecture style of this city is diverse, there are different sceneries everywhere.

6. 无论走到哪里,到处都是人们的笑脸。

No matter where you go, everywhere is filled with people's smiling faces.

7. 这个国家的美食种类繁多,到处都有各种不同的美食。

This country has a wide variety of cuisine, there are different types of food everywhere.

8. 在这片土地上,到处都可以看到农民在田里劳作。

In this land, everywhere you can see farmers working in the fields.

9. 在这个城市,到处都是高楼大厦,非常繁华。

In this city, everywhere is filled with skyscrapers, very bustling.

10. 这个节日的气氛非常浓厚,到处都是人们在欢庆。

The atmosphere of this festival is very strong, everywhere is filled with people celebrating.

11. 这个地区的天气非常炎热,到处都是烈日炎炎。

The weather in this region is very hot, everywhere is scorching sun.

12. 这个公园的环境非常优美,到处都有花草树木。

The environment of this park is very beautiful, there are flowers, grass and trees everywhere.

13. 在这个城市,到处都可以看到不同文化的交融。

In this city, everywhere you can see the integration of different cultures.

14. 这个国家的人民非常友好,到处都能感受到热情款待。

The people of this country are very friendly, everywhere you can feel the warm hospitality.

15. 在这个季节,到处都是人们在享受户外活动。

In this season, everywhere is filled with people enjoying outdoor activities.


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