时间: 2024-11-08 08:15:50
1. 他决心长驱直入,拼尽全力完成任务。
He is determined to go straight in and do his best to complete the task.
2. 这支球队以长驱直入的精神取得了胜利。
This team achieved victory with a spirit of going straight in.
3. 他们不愿再拖延,决定长驱直入地解决问题。
They were unwilling to delay any longer and decided to tackle the problem head-on.
4. 老板不喜欢拐弯抹角,他喜欢直接长驱直入地表达自己的意见。
The boss doesn't like beating around the bush, he prefers to express his opinions directly and to the point.
5. 在面对困难时,我们应该学会长驱直入地克服它们。
When facing difficulties, we should learn to overcome them head-on.
6. 他总是长驱直入地说话,从不拐弯抹角。
He always speaks directly and never beats around the bush.
7. 这位领导喜欢长驱直入地解决问题,不喜欢拖泥带水。
This leader likes to tackle problems head-on and doesn't like to beat around the bush.
8. 她的长驱直入的性格使她在工作中取得了很大的成就。
Her straightforward personality has helped her achieve great success in her work.
9. 面对挑战,他们选择了长驱直入,毫不犹豫。
Faced with the challenge, they chose to go straight in without hesitation.
10. 他们决定采取长驱直入的策略,迅速解决问题。
They decided to take a direct approach to quickly solve the problem.
11. 面对困难,他们没有退缩,而是长驱直入地克服了一切。
Faced with difficulties, they didn't back down, but instead overcame everything head-on.
12. 这个团队以长驱直入的态度取得了不可思议的成绩。
This team achieved incredible results with a head-on attitude.
13. 他们决定长驱直入地向领导提出他们的建议。
They decided to go straight in and propose their suggestions to the leader.
14. 她的长驱直入的性格让她在职场上脱颖而出。
Her straightforward personality has made her stand out in the workplace.
15. 面对挑战,他们选择了长驱直入地应对,最终获得了成功。
Faced with the challenge, they chose to go straight in and ultimately succeeded.
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