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【汉语】decide on造句,中英对照

时间: 2024-11-08 02:24:33


1. 我们需要决定在哪家餐厅吃饭。

We need to decide on which restaurant to eat at.

2. 他们决定去海滩度假。

They decided on a beach vacation.

3. 我们必须决定是否接受这份工作。

We need to decide on whether to accept this job.

4. 我们决定在周末去远足。

We decided on hiking this weekend.

5. 他们决定在明年结婚。

They decided on getting married next year.

6. 我们需要决定购买哪种颜色的沙发。

We need to decide on which color of sofa to buy.

7. 我们决定在周五晚上去看电影。

We decided on going to the movies on Friday night.

8. 我们必须决定是否升级我们的手机。

We need to decide on whether to upgrade our phones.

9. 他们决定在新年举办派对。

They decided on hosting a party for New Year's.

10. 我们需要决定明天的行程。

We need to decide on tomorrow's itinerary.

11. 我们决定在周日去郊外野餐。

We decided on having a picnic in the countryside on Sunday.

12. 我们必须决定是否购买这台电视。

We need to decide on whether to buy this TV.

13. 他们决定在下个月搬家。

They decided on moving next month.

14. 我们决定在周三晚上吃中餐。

We decided on having Chinese food on Wednesday night.

15. 我们需要决定去哪家酒吧聚会。

We need to decide on which bar to meet at.


上一个 【汉语】百鸟朝凤造句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】残羹冷炙造句,中英对照



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