时间: 2024-11-08 17:16:37
1. 会议室里此起彼伏地传来了议论声。
The sound of discussions in the meeting room rose and fell.
2. 夜晚的蛙鸣此起彼伏,让人感到宁静和放松。
The croaking of frogs at night came and went, creating a sense of peace and relaxation.
3. 在森林中,鸟儿的歌声此起彼伏,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来。
In the forest, the birds' songs rose and fell as if welcoming our arrival.
4. 在城市的喧嚣中,汽车喇叭声此起彼伏,让人感到疲惫。
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, the honking of car horns rose and fell, leaving people feeling weary.
5. 雨滴落在屋顶上,发出此起彼伏的滴答声。
Raindrops falling on the roof made a pitter-patter sound that rose and fell.
6. 在音乐会上,观众们的掌声此起彼伏,表达了他们的热情。
At the concert, the applause of the audience rose and fell, expressing their enthusiasm.
7. 海浪轻轻拍打着沙滩,发出此起彼伏的声音。
The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore created a sound that rose and fell.
8. 风吹过树梢,树叶发出此起彼伏的沙沙声。
The wind rustled through the treetops, making the leaves produce a sound that rose and fell.
9. 在山谷中,回声此起彼伏,仿佛在与我们对话。
In the valley, echoes rose and fell as if engaging in a conversation with us.
10. 落日的余晖映照在湖面上,波光粼粼,此起彼伏。
The lingering light of the setting sun reflected on the lake, shimmering with a rising and falling pattern.
11. 雷声此起彼伏,预示着暴风雨即将到来。
The rumble of thunder rose and fell, heralding the arrival of a storm.
12. 在人群中,笑声此起彼伏,洋溢着快乐的气氛。
Among the crowd, laughter rose and fell, filling the air with a joyful atmosphere.
13. 在晨曦中,鸟儿的鸣叫声此起彼伏,宣告着新的一天的开始。
In the dawn light, the chirping of birds rose and fell, heralding the start of a new day.
14. 雨后的青蛙合唱此起彼伏,给人一种清新的感觉。
The chorus of frogs after the rain rose and fell, giving a refreshing feeling.
15. 演唱会上,歌手高亢的歌声此起彼伏,震撼人心。
At the concert, the singer's powerful voice rose and fell, stirring the hearts of the audience.
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