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时间: 2024-11-08 14:34:44


1. 他喝醉了酒,走起路来东倒西歪的。

He was drunk and walking all over the place.

2. 这个房子已经年久失修,墙壁东倒西歪的。

The house has been in disrepair for years, with walls leaning in all directions.

3. 小偷跑得东倒西歪,却还是被警察抓住了。

The thief ran in all directions, but was still caught by the police.

4. 她在舞池里跳舞跳得东倒西歪的,一点也不优雅。

She danced in the ballroom, swaying and stumbling, not at all graceful.

5. 他的书包里塞得满满的,东倒西歪的。

His backpack was stuffed to the brim and lopsided.

6. 在地震之后,建筑物都变得东倒西歪。

After the earthquake, the buildings were all crooked.

7. 他的头发乱糟糟的,东倒西歪的。

His hair was messy and disheveled.

8. 这些书摞得东倒西歪,看起来很凌乱。

The books were stacked haphazardly, looking very messy.

9. 路边的树木被飓风刮得东倒西歪的。

The trees along the road were blown all over the place by the hurricane.

10. 她的画画技巧还不够熟练,画出来的线条东倒西歪的。

Her drawing skills were not yet proficient, and the lines were crooked.

11. 阵风吹得帐篷东倒西歪的。

The gust of wind blew the tent lopsided.

12. 他的骑自行车技术不够娴熟,骑起来东倒西歪的。

His bike-riding skills were not proficient, and he wobbled as he rode.

13. 这个小孩子走路还不够稳,走起来东倒西歪的。

The child was still unsteady on his feet, walking lopsidedly.

14. 那个舞者跳舞的姿势东倒西歪的,一点也不优美。

The dancer's moves were all over the place, not graceful at all.

15. 这些线头被她缝得东倒西歪的,一点也不整齐。

The threads were sewn by her in a lopsided manner, not neat at all.


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