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时间: 2024-11-08 11:35:26


1. 他们在街上见到了成百上千的人。They saw hundreds of people on the street.

2. 这个城市有成百上千的餐馆供选择。There are hundreds of restaurants to choose from in this city.

3. 成百上千的学生参加了这次比赛。Hundreds of students participated in the competition.

4. 这个展览吸引了成百上千的游客。The exhibition attracted hundreds of visitors.

5. 成百上千的树木被风吹倒了。Hundreds of trees were blown down by the wind.

6. 这个公司拥有成百上千的员工。The company has hundreds of employees.

7. 成百上千的书籍被捐赠给了学校图书馆。Hundreds of books were donated to the school library.

8. 这个音乐会吸引了成百上千的观众。The concert attracted hundreds of audience.

9. 成百上千的人在街上游行抗议。Hundreds of people marched in the streets to protest.

10. 这个地区有成百上千的野生动物。There are hundreds of wild animals in this area.

11. 成百上千的家庭受到了洪水的影响。Hundreds of families were affected by the flood.

12. 这个城市有成百上千的建筑物。There are hundreds of buildings in this city.

13. 成百上千的人聚集在广场上庆祝节日。Hundreds of people gathered in the square to celebrate the holiday.

14. 这个工厂每天生产成百上千的产品。The factory produces hundreds of products every day.

15. 成百上千的游客涌入这个景点。Hundreds of tourists flocked to this attraction.


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