时间: 2024-11-09 02:27:18
1. 长远的规划是企业成功的关键。
Long-term planning is the key to the success of a business.
2. 我们需要有长远的眼光,而不是只顾眼前的利益。
We need to have a long-term vision, rather than just focusing on short-term gains.
3. 长远来看,环境保护对我们的生存至关重要。
In the long run, environmental protection is crucial to our survival.
4. 政府需要采取长远的措施来解决社会问题。
The government needs to take long-term measures to address social issues.
5. 我们应该为孩子们的长远发展着想。
We should consider the long-term development of our children.
6. 长远的目标是推动公司持续发展。
The long-term goal is to drive the continuous development of the company.
7. 他们正在制定一项长远的计划,以改善教育体系。
They are developing a long-term plan to improve the education system.
8. 在长远的利益考虑下,我们必须采取行动来减少碳排放。
In the long-term interest, we must take action to reduce carbon emissions.
9. 这个项目的长远影响将会是巨大的。
The long-term impact of this project will be significant.
10. 长远来看,这个决定可能会对公司产生深远的影响。
In the long run, this decision may have a profound impact on the company.
11. 长远的发展需要靠创新和持续的投资。
Long-term development requires innovation and continuous investment.
12. 我们必须为未来做长远规划。
We must make long-term plans for the future.
13. 只有从长远角度考虑,我们才能找到解决问题的最佳方案。
Only by taking a long-term perspective can we find the best solution to the problem.
14. 领导者应该有长远眼光,而不是只顾眼前的得失。
Leaders should have a long-term vision, rather than just focusing on short-term gains and losses.
15. 这个决定将会对公司的长远发展产生积极的影响。
This decision will have a positive impact on the long-term development of the company.
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