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时间: 2024-11-09 00:12:50


1. The security guard patrolled the building to ensure everything was safe and secure.

2. 安全警卫巡逻建筑物,确保一切安全可靠。

3. The company invested in security cameras to monitor the premises 24/7.

4. 公司投资安全摄像头,全天候监控场地。

5. The security system was activated as soon as the store closed for the night.

6. 商店一关门,安全系统就启动了。

7. The government implemented new security measures at the airport to prevent terrorist attacks.

8. 政府在机场实施了新的安全措施,以预防恐怖袭击。

9. The security breach allowed hackers to access sensitive information.

10. 安全漏洞使黑客能够访问敏感信息。

11. The security of the nation was threatened by the increase in cyber attacks.

12. 国家的安全受到网络攻击增加的威胁。

13. The security of the diplomatic mission was compromised when the ambassador's location was leaked.

14. 外交使命的安全受到损害,大使的位置被泄露。

15. The security clearance was required for anyone entering the high-security facility.

16. 进入高安全设施的任何人都需要安全许可。


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