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时间: 2024-09-20 15:07:23


1. 我打开窗户让新鲜空气进来。

I opened the window to let in fresh air.

2. 窗户外面的景色真美。

The view outside the window is beautiful.

3. 请记得把窗户关上。

Please remember to close the window.

4. 窗户上有一层薄薄的冰。

There is a thin layer of ice on the window.

5. 窗户上的百叶窗挡住了阳光。

The blinds on the window blocked the sunlight.

6. 我们家的窗户都是双层玻璃的。

The windows in our house are all double-glazed.

7. 窗户上的窗帘被风吹动。

The curtains on the window are blowing in the wind.

8. 我想换一扇新的窗户。

I want to replace a new window.

9. 窗户上有一只小鸟停在那儿。

There is a little bird perched on the window.

10. 窗户上贴着一张警告标志。

There is a warning sign stuck on the window.

11. 我在窗户上画了一幅风景画。

I painted a landscape on the window.

12. 窗户外面的风景像一幅画。

The view outside the window is like a painting.

13. 他从窗户外面朝里张望。

He peered in through the window.

14. 窗户上的玻璃被打碎了。

The glass on the window is broken.

15. 我喜欢坐在窗户旁边看书。

I like to sit by the window and read.


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