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时间: 2024-11-09 02:11:45


1. 他的态度非常消极,总是抱怨。

His attitude is very negative, always complaining.

2. 她对这个提议的反应非常消极。

Her reaction to the proposal was very negative.

3. 这个消息对他的影响非常不好。

The news had a very negative impact on him.

4. 他的评论总是带有负面的情绪。

His comments always carry a negative tone.

5. 这个项目的进展一直很慢,给人一种消极的印象。

The progress of this project has been slow, giving a negative impression.

6. 她总是看到事情的不利面。

She always sees the negative side of things.

7. 这个计划遭到了很多负面的反应。

This plan has received a lot of negative feedback.

8. 他的态度对我们的团队合作产生了负面影响。

His attitude has had a negative impact on our team collaboration.

9. 这个产品的质量得到了消极的评价。

The quality of this product has received negative reviews.

10. 他的态度对公司的氛围产生了负面影响。

His attitude has had a negative impact on the atmosphere of the company.

11. 这个决定对市场产生了消极的影响。

This decision has had a negative impact on the market.

12. 他的态度对我们的合作关系带来了负面影响。

His attitude has had a negative impact on our working relationship.

13. 这个消息给人一种非常悲观的感觉。

This news gives a very negative feeling.

14. 他的态度总是抱怨和抵触。

His attitude is always complaining and resisting.

15. 这个人总是以一种消极的方式看待生活。

This person always looks at life in a negative way.


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