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时间: 2024-06-06 19:46:14


1. 天空中飘着一朵朵浮云。

There are floating clouds in the sky.

2. 晨光映照着浮云,美丽动人。

The morning light reflects on the floating clouds, which is beautiful and moving.

3. 浮云似乎在天空中自由自在地飘荡。

The floating clouds seem to be drifting freely in the sky.

4. 风吹过,浮云在天空中快速流动。

The wind blows, and the floating clouds move quickly in the sky.

5. 天空中的浮云不停地变换形状。

The floating clouds in the sky constantly change their shapes.

6. 浮云如梦,飘渺不定。

The floating clouds are like a dream, drifting and unpredictable.

7. 阳光穿过浮云,投下斑驳的光影。

The sunlight shines through the floating clouds, casting mottled shadows.

8. 天空中的浮云像是一幅水墨画。

The floating clouds in the sky are like a Chinese ink painting.

9. 浮云轻轻地飘动,仿佛在跳舞。

The floating clouds gently drift, as if dancing.

10. 阵雨过后,天空中出现了一片片浮云。

After the rain, patches of floating clouds appeared in the sky.

11. 浮云飘过,给大地带来一丝凉爽。

The floating clouds drift by, bringing a touch of coolness to the earth.

12. 在夕阳的映衬下,浮云变得格外美丽。

Under the setting sun, the floating clouds become especially beautiful.

13. 浮云遮挡了太阳,天空顿时变得阴沉沉的。

The floating clouds blocked the sun, and the sky suddenly became gloomy.

14. 天空中的浮云在晴朗的天气里格外清晰可见。

The floating clouds in the sky are particularly clear and visible in the sunny weather.

15. 浮云飘荡在天际,仿佛在述说着一段故事。

The floating clouds drift in the sky, as if telling a story.

16. 他的心情像天空中的浮云,时而明朗,时而阴郁。

His mood is like the floating clouds in the sky, sometimes bright, sometimes gloomy.

17. 浮云在天空中形成了各种奇妙的图案。

The floating clouds in the sky form various wonderful patterns.

18. 漫步在田野间,我仰望着天空中的浮云,心情格外愉悦。

Walking in the fields, I look up at the floating clouds in the sky, feeling particularly happy.

19. 浮云在天空中迅速消散,留下一片晴朗的天空。

The floating clouds in the sky quickly dissipate, leaving behind a clear sky.

20. 飞机穿越了浮云层,俯瞰着下方的美景。

The plane flew through the layer of floating clouds, overlooking the beautiful scenery below.

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