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时间: 2024-06-06 19:46:14


1. 他们已经做出了定决,决定不再继续合作。

They have made a final decision to stop working together.

2. 我们需要尽快做出定决,以便我们可以开始行动。

We need to make a final decision as soon as possible so that we can start taking action.

3. 这是一个重要的定决,需要我们仔细考虑。

This is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration.

4. 我们无法再拖延,必须做出定决。

We can't delay any longer, we must make a final decision.

5. 我们需要一个定决,以便我们可以继续前进。

We need a final decision so that we can move forward.

6. 他们最终做出了定决,决定接受那份工作。

They ultimately made a final decision to accept the job.

7. 这是一个需要我们做出定决的关键时刻。

This is a critical moment that requires us to make a final decision.

8. 我们需要一个定决来解决这个问题。

We need a final decision to solve this problem.

9. 他们已经做出了定决,决定离婚。

They have made a final decision to get a divorce.

10. 我们需要一个定决来结束这场争论。

We need a final decision to put an end to this argument.

11. 在会议结束时,他们做出了定决,决定支持这项提案。

At the end of the meeting, they made a final decision to support the proposal.

12. 这是一个需要我们做出定决的紧急情况。

This is an emergency situation that requires us to make a final decision.

13. 他们已经做出了定决,决定搬到另一个城市。

They have made a final decision to move to another city.

14. 我们需要一个定决来解决这个困境。

We need a final decision to resolve this dilemma.

15. 我们无法再拖延,必须做出定决。

We can't delay any longer, we must make a final decision.

16. 在经过激烈的辩论后,他们终于做出了定决。

After a heated debate, they finally made a final decision.

17. 我们需要一个定决来结束这场争论。

We need a final decision to put an end to this argument.

18. 他们已经做出了定决,决定接受那份工作。

They ultimately made a final decision to accept the job.

19. 我们需要一个定决来解决这个问题。

We need a final decision to solve this problem.

20. 这是一个重要的定决,需要我们仔细考虑。

This is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration.

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