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时间: 2024-06-06 19:46:14


1. 秋子是一个温柔善良的女孩。

Akiko is a gentle and kind girl.

2. 秋子的笑容总是让人感到温暖。

Akiko's smile always brings warmth to people.

3. 我们一起去找秋子吧。

Let's go find Akiko together.

4. 秋子今天穿了一件很漂亮的连衣裙。

Akiko wore a very beautiful dress today.

5. 我们打算送秋子一份生日礼物。

We plan to give Akiko a birthday present.

6. 秋子对所有人都很友好。

Akiko is friendly to everyone.

7. 秋子的家乡在日本东京。

Akiko's hometown is Tokyo, Japan.

8. 秋子喜欢在秋天散步。

Akiko enjoys taking walks in the autumn.

9. 秋子正在忙着准备晚饭。

Akiko is busy preparing dinner.

10. 我们约定在秋子的家里聚会。

We agreed to have a gathering at Akiko's house.

11. 秋子的家里摆满了漂亮的花瓶。

Akiko's house is filled with beautiful vases.

12. 秋子对音乐有浓厚的兴趣。

Akiko has a strong interest in music.

13. 我们一起去看秋子的音乐会。

Let's go see Akiko's concert together.

14. 秋子的家里有一只可爱的猫。

Akiko has a lovely cat at home.

15. 我们邀请秋子一起去野餐。

We invited Akiko to go on a picnic with us.

16. 秋子擅长绘画和写作。

Akiko is skilled in painting and writing.

17. 秋子在学校里是一个很受欢迎的学生。

Akiko is a popular student at school.

18. 我们计划给秋子一个惊喜生日派对。

We plan to throw a surprise birthday party for Akiko.

19. 秋子的笑容总是让人感到幸福。

Akiko's smile always brings happiness to people.

20. 我们希望秋子能够实现她的梦想。

We hope Akiko can achieve her dreams.

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