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时间: 2024-06-06 19:46:14


1. 四平市是吉林省的一个美丽城市。

Siping is a beautiful city in Jilin Province.

2. 我们一家人去了四平旅游,看到了很多美丽的风景。

My family went to Siping for sightseeing and saw many beautiful sceneries.

3. 四平的冬天非常寒冷,记得要多穿衣服。

The winter in Siping is very cold, remember to wear more clothes.

4. 他在四平生活了很多年,对这个城市非常了解。

He has lived in Siping for many years and knows this city very well.

5. 四平市政府正在进行城市改造,希望能够提升城市的形象。

The Siping municipal government is undergoing urban renewal, hoping to improve the city's image.

6. 我在四平的一家公司找到了工作,现在已经在这里安家落户了。

I found a job at a company in Siping and have settled down here.

7. 四平是一个历史悠久的城市,有很多古迹和名胜。

Siping is a city with a long history, with many historical sites and scenic spots.

8. 春天来了,四平的樱花开始盛开了。

Spring is here, and the cherry blossoms in Siping are beginning to bloom.

9. 四平的交通便利,很容易到达各个景点。

The transportation in Siping is convenient, making it easy to reach various attractions.

10. 我在四平的一家餐厅尝到了当地特色美食,非常好吃。

I tried the local specialty food at a restaurant in Siping and it was delicious.

11. Siping is a beautiful city with a long history and rich culture.

12. The winter in Siping is very cold, so remember to wear warm clothes.

13. He has lived in Siping for many years and is very familiar with the city.

14. The Siping municipal government is working on urban renewal to improve the city's image.

15. I found a job at a company in Siping and have settled down here.

16. Siping is a city with a long history, and it has many historical sites and scenic spots.

17. Spring has arrived, and the cherry blossoms in Siping are starting to bloom.

18. The transportation in Siping is convenient, making it easy to reach various attractions.

19. I tried the local specialty food at a restaurant in Siping and it was delicious.

20. Siping is a city known for its beautiful scenery and friendly people.

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