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时间: 2024-06-08 12:21:22


1. 他做了一个大梦,梦见自己成为了一名成功的商人。

He had a big dream that he became a successful businessman.

2. 她一直追寻着自己的大梦,希望能成为一名著名的作家。

She has been pursuing her big dream of becoming a famous writer.

3. 他的大梦是能够环游世界,体验不同的文化和风景。

His big dream is to travel around the world and experience different cultures and landscapes.

4. 她的大梦是能够成为一名优秀的音乐家,为世界带来美妙的音乐。

Her big dream is to become an excellent musician and bring wonderful music to the world.

5. 他坚信自己的大梦终将实现,不会被任何困难阻挡。

He firmly believes that his big dream will come true and will not be hindered by any difficulties.

6. 大梦醒来后,他感到有些失望,却也下定决心要努力实现它。

After waking up from the big dream, he felt a little disappointed, but also determined to work hard to achieve it.

7. 她的大梦是成为一名医生,帮助更多的人治病救人。

Her big dream is to become a doctor and help more people recover from illness.

8. 他的大梦是能够在科技领域取得重大突破,为人类带来更多的便利和福祉。

His big dream is to make major breakthroughs in the field of technology and bring more convenience and blessings to humanity.

9. 在大梦中,他看到了自己在世界各地留下了深刻的影响。

In the big dream, he saw himself leaving a profound impact around the world.

10. 她的大梦是成为一名环保活动家,为地球的环境保护贡献自己的力量。

Her big dream is to become an environmental activist and contribute her efforts to protecting the earth's environment.

11. 大梦中的自己已经成为了一名成功的企业家,拥有了属于自己的帝国。

In the big dream, he had become a successful entrepreneur, owning his own empire.

12. 她的大梦是能够通过自己的努力改变家乡的贫困面貌。

Her big dream is to change the poverty of her hometown through her own efforts.

13. 在大梦中,他看到了自己与心爱的人过着幸福美满的生活。

In the big dream, he saw himself living a happy and fulfilling life with his loved one.

14. 她的大梦是能够成为一名优秀的教育家,影响更多的学生。

Her big dream is to become an excellent educator and influence more students.

15. 在大梦中,他看到了自己攀登了世界上最高的山峰。

In the big dream, he saw himself climbing the highest mountain in the world.

16. 她的大梦是能够成为一名成功的企业家,为社会创造更多的就业机会。

Her big dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and create more job opportunities for society.

17. 在大梦中,他看到了自己成为了一名杰出的科学家,为人类做出了伟大的贡献。

In the big dream, he saw himself becoming an outstanding scientist and making great contributions to humanity.

18. 她的大梦是能够通过自己的努力改变社会的不公平现象。

Her big dream is to change the unfairness in society through her own efforts.

19. 在大梦中,他看到了自己成为了一名杰出的艺术家,作品受到世界的赞誉。

In the big dream, he saw himself becoming an outstanding artist, whose works were praised by the world.

20. 她的大梦是能够成为一名成功的慈善家,帮助更多的需要帮助的人。

Her big dream is to become a successful philanthropist and help more people in need.

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