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时间: 2024-06-10 07:44:07


1. 他是一位侠士,义薄云天。

He is a knight-errant, ready to face any challenge.

2. 这位侠士为民除害,受人爱戴。

The knight is loved by the people for his deeds.

3. 他是一个有侠义精神的侠士。

He is a knight with a chivalrous spirit.

4. 侠士们严守誓言,保护弱者。

The knights uphold their oath to protect the weak.

5. 传说中的侠士总是勇敢无畏。

The legendary knight-errants are always brave and fearless.

6. 他的行为举止都充满了侠士的风范。

His behavior is full of the demeanor of a knight-errant.

7. 他们是真正的侠士,为正义而战。

They are true knights, fighting for justice.

8. 侠士们的精神激励着人们勇往直前。

The spirit of the knights inspires people to move forward bravely.

9. 他们被尊称为侠士,因为他们无私奉献。

They are honored as knights because of their selfless dedication.

10. 侠士们誓死保卫国家。

The knights swear to defend the country to the death.

11. 他是一位正直的侠士,绝不会屈服于邪恶。

He is an upright knight, never yielding to evil.

12. 这个故事讲述了一位侠士的壮举。

The story tells of the exploits of a knight-errant.

13. 他被誉为当代的侠士。

He is hailed as a modern-day knight-errant.

14. 这位侠士以其勇敢和正直而著称。

The knight is renowned for his bravery and integrity.

15. 他是一位受人爱戴的侠士。

He is a beloved knight-errant.

16. 侠士们奋勇向前,决不退缩。

The knights march forward bravely, never retreating.

17. 他们的侠士精神感动了世人。

Their knightly spirit moves the world.

18. 他们是现代版的侠士,为正义而战。

They are modern-day versions of knights, fighting for justice.

19. 这位侠士的义举被后人传颂。

The knight's noble deeds are sung by future generations.

20. 他们是真正的侠士,甘愿为正义而献身。

They are true knights, willing to sacrifice themselves for justice.

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