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时间: 2024-06-11 05:55:13


1. 这是一座埋藏了几百年的古墓。- This is an ancient tomb that has been buried for hundreds of years.

2. 他把珍贵的宝石埋藏在了地下。- He buried the precious gemstones underground.

3. 这个城市的历史被埋藏在地底下。- The history of this city is buried beneath the ground.

4. 他们在地下室里发现了一个埋藏的宝藏。- They discovered a buried treasure in the basement.

5. 这些文物已经被埋藏在地下几千年了。- These artifacts have been buried underground for thousands of years.

6. 她的秘密一直被埋藏在心底。- Her secret has been buried deep in her heart.

7. 这个小镇的历史被埋藏在老屋和古董中。- The history of this small town is buried in old houses and antiques.

8. 城市的垃圾被埋藏在垃圾填埋场里。- The city's garbage is buried in a landfill.

9. 这些骸骨已经被埋藏在地下数百年了。- These bones have been buried underground for hundreds of years.

10. 那个人把他的财富埋藏在了偏僻的山区。- That person buried his wealth in a remote mountain area.

11. 他们在沙漠中埋藏了水和食物,以备不时之需。- They buried water and food in the desert for emergencies.

12. 这个城市的历史被埋藏在建筑物和街道中。- The history of this city is buried in its buildings and streets.

13. 这个秘密一直被埋藏在家族的历史中。- This secret has been buried in the family's history.

14. 这些古代文物被埋藏在沙漠中的遗址里。- These ancient artifacts are buried in the ruins in the desert.

15. 他们在海边埋藏了一个时间胶囊,以便未来的人类能够发现它。- They buried a time capsule at the beach for future generations to discover.

16. 这个城市的过去被埋藏在它的建筑和城墙中。- The city's past is buried in its buildings and walls.

17. 这个小镇的历史被埋藏在它的老屋和教堂中。- The history of this small town is buried in its old houses and churches.

18. 这些宝藏被埋藏在一个神秘的岛屿上。- These treasures are buried on a mysterious island.

19. 这个古老的墓地被埋藏在森林深处。- This ancient cemetery is buried deep in the forest.

20. 这个城市的文化遗产被埋藏在它的博物馆和图书馆中。- The city's cultural heritage is buried in its museums and libraries.

上一个 【汉语】天津(二)的例句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】迷恋的例句,中英对照



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