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时间: 2024-06-11 05:57:28


1. 这家餐厅的大虾非常新鲜,味道鲜美。

The prawns at this restaurant are very fresh and delicious.

2. 我喜欢用大虾做海鲜意大利面。

I like to use prawns to make seafood spaghetti.

3. 大虾炒饭是我最喜欢的一道菜。

Fried rice with prawns is my favorite dish.

4. 这个大虾沙拉看起来非常诱人。

This prawn salad looks very tempting.

5. 我们今晚要做烤大虾。

We're going to grill prawns tonight.

6. 他们在海边捕捞到了一大袋的大虾。

They caught a big bag of prawns by the sea.

7. 这个大虾汤非常美味。

This prawn soup is very delicious.

8. 我喜欢用大虾来做火锅。

I like to use prawns for hot pot.

9. 这家餐厅的大虾料理特别出色。

The prawn dishes at this restaurant are especially good.

10. 我最喜欢的寿司之一是大虾寿司。

One of my favorite types of sushi is prawn sushi.

11. 我们在海滩上享用了新鲜的大虾。

We enjoyed fresh prawns on the beach.

12. 他们用大虾和蔬菜炒了一道美味的菜。

They cooked a delicious dish with prawns and vegetables.

13. 这个大虾三明治非常美味。

This prawn sandwich is very tasty.

14. 他们把大虾蒸熟了,然后蘸着酱汁吃。

They steamed the prawns and then dipped them in sauce to eat.

15. 这是我第一次尝试做大虾的料理。

This is my first time trying to cook with prawns.

16. 大虾的价格在市场上一直很高。

The price of prawns has always been high in the market.

17. 他们在海边钓到了一条大虾。

They caught a big prawn by the sea.

18. 我们在晚餐上享用了烤大虾。

We had grilled prawns for dinner.

19. 这个大虾炒饭的味道非常不错。

The prawn fried rice tastes very good.

20. 我准备用大虾和蔬菜做一道美味的炒菜。

I'm going to cook a delicious stir-fry with prawns and vegetables.

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