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时间: 2024-06-06 19:46:14


1. 大连是中国东北的一个美丽的城市。

Dalian is a beautiful city in Northeast China.

2. 大连有着丰富的海洋资源和美丽的海滩。

Dalian has abundant marine resources and beautiful beaches.

3. 大连是一个重要的港口城市,是中国东北地区的经济中心之一。

Dalian is an important port city and one of the economic centers in Northeast China.

4. 大连的夜景非常漂亮,尤其是在星海广场和大连港附近。

The night view of Dalian is very beautiful, especially near Xinghai Square and Dalian Port.

5. 大连的海鲜非常新鲜,尤其是当地特色的海鲜火锅。

The seafood in Dalian is very fresh, especially the local specialty seafood hot pot.

6. 大连的气候四季分明,夏季凉爽,冬季寒冷。

Dalian has a distinct four-season climate, with cool summers and cold winters.

7. 大连有许多历史悠久的建筑和风景名胜,吸引了许多游客。

Dalian has many historical buildings and scenic spots, attracting many tourists.

8. 大连是中国足球的重要城市,拥有一支知名的职业足球队。

Dalian is an important city for football in China, with a well-known professional football team.

9. 大连的经济发展迅速,吸引了许多外国投资和企业。

Dalian's economy is developing rapidly, attracting a lot of foreign investment and businesses.

10. 大连的交通便利,有多种方式可以到达这个城市。

Dalian has convenient transportation, with various ways to reach the city.

11. 大连的人民热情好客,让人感到宾至如归。

The people of Dalian are hospitable and make visitors feel at home.

12. 大连的海洋科技产业发展迅速,成为城市的一大特色。

Dalian's marine science and technology industry is developing rapidly, becoming a major feature of the city.

13. 大连的海岸线很漂亮,适合散步和休闲。

The coastline of Dalian is beautiful and suitable for walking and leisure.

14. 大连的城市规划和建筑设计充满现代感,展现了城市的活力和创新。

The urban planning and architectural design of Dalian are full of modernity, showcasing the city's vitality and innovation.

15. 大连的美食文化丰富多样,有各种地方特色小吃和美食。

Dalian has a rich and diverse food culture, with various local snacks and delicacies.

16. 大连的大学和科研机构在国内外享有很高的声誉。

The universities and research institutions in Dalian have a high reputation both domestically and internationally.

17. 大连的公共设施完善,生活便利,受到居民和游客的好评。

Dalian has well-developed public facilities, making life convenient and receiving praise from residents and tourists.

18. 大连的文化艺术活动丰富多彩,有许多音乐会、展览和演出。

Dalian has a rich and diverse cultural and artistic activities, including many concerts, exhibitions, and performances.

19. 大连的城市环境整洁美丽,受到了国内外游客的称赞。

The city environment of Dalian is clean and beautiful, receiving praise from domestic and foreign tourists.

20. 大连是一个宜居城市,拥有良好的教育、医疗和社会福利资源。

Dalian is a livable city, with good education, medical, and social welfare resources.

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